Hollywood Glam Bug—George Hurrel, greatest photographers that ever lived

I’ve always been a fan of the silver screen— the glamour, the almost goddess appearance of the actresses, the wonderful use of lighting and camera angle… all together, to create one of the most fascinating times in Hollywood history, the Glamour Era.

This crazy and beautiful time on the  silver screen was nothing like we have now. Actresses needed to be in front of their audience all the time but their appearances needed to be “Greek Goddess” perfect— enter George Hurrell. Hurrell was one of the greatest photographers that ever lived. It is said that he was the first one to coin the word “Glamour”, often to describe his work. There was no actress or actor that was not photographed by Hurrel. Often times, being photographed by Hurrell meant success to any Hollywood big star wannabe.

A few months ago I got a few books about him and all his wonderful stories. All of the ups and downs of his career and the volatile personality that made his so famous and yet not so easy to control. The book George Hurrell Hollywood is a great resource for anyone interested on this type of photography and since I got bitten by the Hurrell bug, here is an attempt to create some Hollywood Glam. Enjoy

One of the most fascinating times in Hollywood historyIf you dig this please share with your friend. Gracias!


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