Quick and dirty tips for killer selfies.

Selfies, (Self Portraits) are the electronic counterparts  of looking at the mirror and saying “Wao I’m hot” with the advantage of mass sharing with friends and family and eventually the world. They can project who you are or what you want people to see of you, but often times when taking selfies you don’t really get the best photo of you. I got some quick and dirty tips for killer selfies.

Quick and dirty tips for killer selfies.

Chin Up: No matter your weight if you don’t pull your chin forward there’s a big chance you will get a double chin. When chinning up follow this two simple steps: First, go chin forward and Second, pull it down a few inches. This will help you look natural and not like you are being pull by some magical spell or something.

Angle Up: Everybody has a good angle—or a favorite one. I don’t really need to tell you to pose using your best angle because you will do it by default but when doing it, have this in mind. Keep the camera an arm away from your face—unless you are doing  closed ups it’s always a good idea to have around two feet away from the camera for a better composition. Make sure you turn your head slightly towards your favorite side. Avoid taking selfies facing forward the camera—unless you want it to look like a mugshot.

Body Language: This is a very important part of taking selfies. Even if your body won’t be in the frame post like you are going to take a full body portrait. The curve that your body makes when posing will translate as a whole and your selfie will look more natural and glamorous.[pullquote] A quick tip for posing
 Place one foot forward and arch it like if you are wearing stilettos, push your bump back a bit and turn your shoulders towards the camera and fuacata!
Take the photo[/pullquote]Lighting:  This is the key. If you fail all the above tips make sure you A’s this one. Photography is light, make sure you have a good lighting for your selfies. So what’s good light? Good light is light that makes you look natural on its position relative to you. In simple terms, look for light that mimics the position of the the sun at 4 o clock in the afternoon.
Let’s put it into practice. Make believe that a simple ceiling light is the sun. If you get under the the light it will mimic the light of 12 noon. Taking a photo with that light will created raccoon eyes (shadows around eyes). If you move to the side around 4 feet away it will mimic a softer more natural look. More desirable for portraits.
If you want to find good light got to a window. They are best for selfies. Never use direct flash. This will only make you look flat.

No matter how many times you read this if you don’t practice you won’t get ass kicking Selfies A.K.A selftraits. So just take your phone and start clicking yourself away. I know that it can be difficult and it may feel unnatural but when it comes to selfies if it makes you feel funny its because it looks good. Beauty is painful!

If you dig this little tip please share using the share button to you favorite social channel. Also you can follow this blog for monthly tips. 🙂 See you next time.

Why is important to print your photographs & Why we don’t do it anymore

This is the outcome of your session. This is what’s going to make everything last and be there for your future enjoyment.

We are in switching times when it comes to technology and the photography industry has been part of it full blow. It has been easier than ever to take photos—as a matter of fact, people from this decade has been the most photographed through out history. Yet we also hold the record for the most lost memories inside our precious devices and computers. We stopped printing photographs… Why?


The problem

[pullquote]“Here in this room,  you can find the things we don’t use anymore. In that corner you can see my wedding computer…”[/pullquote] The story goes like this —”Here in this room,  you can find the things we don’t use anymore. In that corner you can see my wedding computer. There is my son’s first year computer and there is our Cancun vacation computer.” 

As crazy as that sounds this is our reality.  We take pictures with every electronic device we own and just upload them until the computer fills up and dies…taking all our precious memories with it in a very irresponsible way. We can’t help it, it is so cheap to do so! Back when you only had 25 shoots you really only took photos of very important things because every click was money. Now its just machine gun style like it’s 1990 all over again.


What to do?

Thinking about it, I don’t blame my generation for not wanting to print images… I get it— but the real reason is that we don’t know how much value a printed image has over a digital download. I remember my parents album and all the old photographs of my grand parents and relatives. It is so rewarding to revisit the past embedded into these images. It feels like I’m traveling in a time machine where i get the opportunity to feel past emotions. [pullquote] The real reason is that we don’t know how much value a printed image has over a digital download.[/pullquote]

But there’s still hope, you can build your own photo-time machine like our parents used to. Now even easier than ever. Here is a list of places where you can use your photos and create albums and many other cool things. You can even use the photos you uploaded in your social media channels.

Here is the list:
Foxgram: it’s a service to print the social media. You can make books and many other things with your Facebook, Instagram, and even Pinterest.
printstagr: Here you can print wall arts and other cool thing like business cards, posters, and even wearables.

socialfotobar: This one is a very cool one. Now we are using hashtags (#wedding) for events like weddings, get-togethers or any other gathering and quite often the images taken just disappear in the social media universe. It’s just crazy! Now you can print cards and send them as a thank you post card. Cool stuff.

Snapfish: And finally, the good old 4×6 prints are so affordable that you can literally have hundreds for less than 30 bucks. That’s an album right there.

Whatever you choose to save your memories with, please let be in a print format. Don’t let it die in your device. Your images will not only will outlast you but they will also immortalize and give our families a sense of unity and legacy.

Why I offer print products only. products-5 products-4 products-9 products-2 products-folio-box

Hollywood Glam Bug—George Hurrel, greatest photographers that ever lived

I’ve always been a fan of the silver screen— the glamour, the almost goddess appearance of the actresses, the wonderful use of lighting and camera angle… all together, to create one of the most fascinating times in Hollywood history, the Glamour Era.

This crazy and beautiful time on the  silver screen was nothing like we have now. Actresses needed to be in front of their audience all the time but their appearances needed to be “Greek Goddess” perfect— enter George Hurrell. Hurrell was one of the greatest photographers that ever lived. It is said that he was the first one to coin the word “Glamour”, often to describe his work. There was no actress or actor that was not photographed by Hurrel. Often times, being photographed by Hurrell meant success to any Hollywood big star wannabe.

A few months ago I got a few books about him and all his wonderful stories. All of the ups and downs of his career and the volatile personality that made his so famous and yet not so easy to control. The book George Hurrell Hollywood is a great resource for anyone interested on this type of photography and since I got bitten by the Hurrell bug, here is an attempt to create some Hollywood Glam. Enjoy

One of the most fascinating times in Hollywood historyIf you dig this please share with your friend. Gracias!

The beauty & the dress—Why I love going to thrift shops

I love going to thrift shops! It’s been almost a year since my visit to the Salvation Army and getting this dress for 3 bucks but I had not found the time to shoot it until now. I have a “je ne sais quoi” for old furniture/clothing and I have been wanting to do a vintage-looking portrait with a Victorian style meets Renaissance period, meets Edwardian… If I make any sense.


The Set Up
For this shoot I wanted a dark, moody look that reflected an old painting style with soft and warm tones and very dark contrasting shadows.
I used an Einstein E640, diffused by a 22″ beauty dish, a sock  and a reflector. The lamp bolt also gave a bit of a warm tone.
Hair and make up was very simple. My MUA just did a bit of blush and nothing more. She actually told me that it was prohibited for women to wear make up during that time—crazy stuff.
Everything was shot with a 50 mm at 3.4 and the strobe at minimum power. The light was placed mimicking the position of the sun for a more natural look.

The beauty & the dress—Why I love going to thrift shops

The final Images
At the end, I got the look and feel I was going for and finally, got to shoot my vintage dress 🙂

The beauty & the dress—Why I love going to thrift shops

How & where to buy Vintage Props for your fantasy shoot for dirt cheap

So you are planning a fantasy shoot and are looking for that perfect vintage props that will complement your model and help tell the story you are trying to capture? Or you are just someone that wants to have a photoshoot showing a particular time in history and are looking for props for visuals? Then read-on. To illustrate my points, I will use “The Red Witch’s Dead”  a shoot I did a couple of years.


Planning the shoot
This seems a bit elementary but many of us forget to put together a concise plan on what the shoot is about and what elements are needed to tell that particular story.
I always start with a theme. For example, the topic of the shoot below was “Witch” but it was a witch with the quality of a vampire—you know coming out at night and being a huge enemy of the sun.
I wanted the main character to be colorful and somehow in fashion… I mean Dracula is always portrayed as a guy with good taste, why not this witch?. So started thinking about dresses  and other elements that will bring this character to live.gustavo_urena_portrait012
I got this dress for 3 dollars plus 7 dollars to have it clean up— total 10 bucks.   


Where to buy 

I started looking for a dress that had the elements needed for the shoot based on the story I wanted to tell. When I’m looking for props there are a few places that I always pay a visit to.
1- The Salvation Army: Love this store. There you will find anything from vintage picture frames to old wedding dresses for great prices. Most of the clothing there ranges from $4 bucks to $10 and so. They get new-old merchandise everyday so the inventory is always “fresh”.
2- Goodwill: Is the same structure as The Salvation Army. The store is divided by departments and have great things but they are a bit pricier that TSA.
3- Your Neighborhood Second Hand Store: If I need vintage furniture for cheap, and I haven’t had any luck at TSA or Goowill I’ll pay a visit to a second hand store. The prices ranges  depending on the furniture and the neighborhood but you always find great things that need little or no repair at all. Other options are garage sales and consignment stores where you can buy and trade furniture.


What to buy
Great, I got my main prop—The Dress. Now I need complementary items that solidifies the whole story. For this shoot I wanted the witch to have a cape, just like Dracula. I used an old bed sheet and some rope I got from the 99 cent store to create the cape that will make her look like a million bucks. I also got me a carved wooden box a found at Goodwill for 3 bucks. These extra props helped a ton on telling the story.
This package cost me around 4 bucks


The shooting
Once you got all of your elements make sure they are in working conditions before they are use. For example, if you buy any wearables wash them before use. You never know.
If you got any furniture check for potential elements that can hurt your model—like loose legs, nails or any other things. But this is something you really need to pay attention before buying.


End results
There nothing more fun to me than doing a theme photoshot.  The whole idea of creating something out of pieces give me joy. But the best thing is to see the end result. Here I attached some behind the scene shoot and the final results of a few of my fantasy shoots. Enjoy!

It was a very cold day but we had lots of fun.


This shoot was done the same day different theme

You can view more about this particular shoot here


If you liked it please share it! 🙂 MakeUp— Yomaira Beltre

How to get ready for a glamour portrait session

There are many questions I get asked on how to get ready for a glamour portrait session. Topics go from choice of wardrobe to what to eat the night before.
Here I cover the 4 Must DO when getting ready for a glamour Portrait Session.


  1. 1- Choosing Your Outfits
    Have a least 5 different outfits—Ball gown, Business attire, Casual, Lingerie, Etc. This will give you a plethora of options for your money and it will increase your chances to get that perfect photo that really talks about you.
    Where do I get clothes? Photography speaks the truth but it can be fooled. You can bring dresses that don’t fit anymore or pieces that have malfunctions but that you will really like to showcase. You can bring that dress you bought for that wedding which you only used one time or ask your sister, mother, friends to lend you their closet. If you would like something in particular you can rent it. Many of my clients use Renttherunway.com
  2. 2- A Clean Body
    The camera never lies and  with better lenses and camera sensors improving, nowadays you get to see the smallest details. So, do your eyebrows, Remove any unwanted facial hair. Do your nails— your hands will play a very important part on the posing and they need to look great. Refresh your hair roots if you dye your hair. Remember that you will invest a lot of time and money on your session and you absolutely need to love you in every possible way the day of the shoot.
  3. 3- Understanding What You Are Getting
    Make sure you are well informed as to what your session includes. Ask questions about the products & the process after the session. Also talk about prices and ways of payment. There are many photographers that accept payment plans and credit cards. Just make sure you cover all there is to be known.
  4. products-folio-box-4
  5. 4- A Clean Resting Night
    Finally, a good night sleep will improve your energy levels making you look great the next day. Remember to avoid alcohol, hydrate yourself and to have fun at your shoot!
    Now I’ll like to ask you what else you would like to know about the process? You can start the conversation. 


Whenever it feels right just give a call and I will be happy to help you with your project.
Or simple send me an email Hello@gustavourena.com
